Friday, November 13, 2009

Wednesday, October 21, 2009


Carving Pumpkins. At laska's house.

Sunday, October 18, 2009


"I think a lot of my blogs are about you." "That's weird."

Tuesday, July 28, 2009


This is my friend, Lauren's cat. I'm helping her take him to the vet. I think he got kicked. The vet's first words were, how much you wanna bet you have an absess? she is suspicious of his temperature.

Sunday, July 12, 2009


Everything is bigger in Texas. Especially their escalators. I'm pretty sure it leads to heaven. There was a man with a beard at the top that could've very easily been peter.


I'm going to Belize for two weeks. ttyl. brb. jk. lol. omg. rofl. rofl. Heidi is coming with me, so don't even think about trying to get ahold of her.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

I am being witnessed to.

He doesn't know we are already saved.

Friday, June 19, 2009

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Right now

I am at Heidi's house. The catch is, I'm anemic.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009


Its about time I clean my room. Heidi's has been clean for weeks. I've been living in sin. In a few hours this will all be over.

Thursday, June 4, 2009


Building a fort. It is luxurious.

What You're Missing

I am irresponsible when it comes to blogging. Here's what I've been up to since the last time I blogged.

1) Brushing my dog:
2) Making Collages:
3) Wearing Mexican apparel:
4) Re-arranging Lukas's house:
5) Babysitting:
6) Watching my dad on t.v:
7) T.P's:
8) Finding things that remind me of Heidi:

Thursday, May 28, 2009


Is what I look like with a can on my head. It makes some people happier than others.

Saturday, May 23, 2009


Alysia's backyard is the coolest place I've ever been. This picture doesn't even show how great it is.

Monday, May 18, 2009

This Morning.

The sun has never taken longer to rise. But when it finally got around to it, it looked a lot like this.


Brandon goes to austria in an hour.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Garage Sale

Making money. Selling grapefruits. And a mattress.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

I got it for my mama

The Belize team sold roses yesterday and today for Mother's Day. All services. Today we had to be there at seven. I have never been more tired. Skip made some promises he couldn't keep. But we made a lot of money.
And I drew Isaiah. I am not an artist of any type, but I would say this is a very acurate picture.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Friday, April 24, 2009

Wednesday, April 22, 2009


Everyone wanted to shake the presiden's hand. So he shook, and shook, and shook. Often his own hand was swollen afterward.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Shea Brotha

This is my wife Shealeen. We are seeing Phil Wickham tonight.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Monday, March 30, 2009

Wal Mart

I've spent a lot of time there the past few days. I'm not sure why, I don't like it very much. Probably because there's all kinds of threats that people will get shot there, and I like to live my life on the edge. Some good things came from it though.

1) I found out that my Jewish friend Andrew is uncomfortably good at hula hooping. He can hula hoop while wearing a hat, holding a cup, and a soccer ball. But not while holding a car battery. That's where he draws the line.

2) They sell funny action figures. If you can't tell in the picture below, on the left is a big black guy named "Daddy V" and on the right is a well-to-do white business man named "Striker." These are the last two people I would ever expect to see in a package together. But they look like they're having a good time.

3) We met the Wal-Mart security guard. He had an attitude, and a southern accent. He taught some thugs a lesson.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Sandwich Night

Bringing it back. We even have a jew.

Busy Time Fun

Yesterday I walked to church.
I didn't take pictures though.
but my feet hurt afterwords.
And I slowed Marcus and Brett down because I don't know how to skate.
I felt like they were babysitting me.
I stepped on a rock that promised prosperity, but it was a false prophet, and I slipped and hurt my knee.

And after church me and Andrew went to visit Lukas at work, but we didn't know where he worked. We got lost. And almost mugged. When we finally found his work, we snuck up on him, but instead of him being surprised and happy, he gave us coloring books and made us sit quietly until he got off work. They were called "Busy Time Fun" And we had to color with pens.

I am sick of being babysat by my friends. No more!!!!

Kirsi's Poetry

I made this in fourth grade. Now it's decorating Heidi's room.

I wrote a poem about mud, and this is the corresponding picture. Me and my friend are having a mud ball fight. It's very orderly, because all the mud balls are lined up in a row, and we are hovering above them, mudballs in hand, ready to attack.

Sunday, March 22, 2009


This kite tried to cut my head off. It has no respect. that's ok though.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Captain Redundant

Is a man that I met while hiking yesterday. He warned us not to hike past 5 miles on the La Luz trail due to ice. He said we would fall and crack our heads open and our brains would spill out. But it wasn't just a warning. He talked for about 10 minutes. He wouldn't stop. He kept saying the same things, in the same graphic manner. Faith is convinced he has treasure burried up there. Joshua named him Captain Redundant, while I sneakily stole a couple pictures of him. I'm sure that's illegal, but his beard demands to be photographed.

After we were done talking to the captain, we took a break on a rock that overlooked the whole city. It was cool.

Joshua came prepared with a 3 point sermon.

Joshua and Rachel did not heed the captain's warnings and kept hiking the two extra miles to the top of the trail. Faith and I stopped at five miles due to the condition of our shoes, and the pain in our limbs. We were lied to, and told they would be back in one hour. By one hour they meant two. So Faith and I waited. When I say Faith, I mean the person, not the fruit of the spirit.

While we waited, we talked about God, Evolution, Mission Trips, Prophecy, and Native Americans.

We came back with sore muscles, sunburns, and good memories.
Today I am crippled and have one bright red arm.
We plan to return this summer with our dogs.

Saturday, March 14, 2009


And I'm so embarassed.

Monday, March 9, 2009


I was sick on friday. I let a few people know and they took it upon themselves to make me cards and bring me soup and flowers. Katie, Marissa, Monique, and Cashmere sent cards of encouragement, Sara wrote a bunch of love poems, and Joshua drew a graphic picture. Thank you guys for your support. Also in this picture is a mitten, and part of a sheet.


But the good news is, me and Sara got locked in a small room on Saturday.

And, after almost a year, the swing made by the hands of a Native American is still in its place, and looking better than ever.